When I first thought of a date night in, I was a little hesitant. I mean, Kevin and I are home together most every night, how could labeling it a "date night" make it anything more than just another night at home with the hubby?
How wrong I was!
The very act of labeling our night a "date night" seemed to change the whole tone of the evening. We both knew we had set apart this night for one another. That meant that after the kids were in bed, we didn't go off in our separate directions doing our own thing. Instead we came together as a couple, eager to spend time just being us.
Now even though this was my night to plan, Kevin wanted to contribute a bit. So he went and got us some food from Sonic, truly our guilty pleasure, yum!
I had kept the contents of our date night a secret all day, even though he asked "what are we doing tonight" a million times. I had gone digging around the day before on Simply Modern Mom, the blog of the woman who created Project 52. I found a really cool date night game print out that she had posted. You can find it here and try it for yourself!
It's a game called First Words, which, since I'm studying Counseling (and I'm pretty sure non-counselors know this too :p ) I realized was really Freud's therapy technique of Free Association. Each spouse gets a pile of cards, each with a word on them, and reads them off one by one to the other spouse. That person, in turn, says the first thing that comes to their mind for each word.
Boy did we have some fun with this!
Now since I obviously found Kevin's responses more funny than mine, I kept a sample of some of his immediate responses. They are very curious and slightly off the wall :p
Name: "Rodney" (Where did that come from?!)
Talent: "Juggling, which I can't do"
House: "The Dr. (insert long pause here) and a front door"
Hilarious: "A horse pooping" yeah babe, that's hilarious... :p
It was very fun responding to the words and seeing what crazy stuff we came up with.
This game did not take up much time, so from there we went on to play our favorite card game, Gin Rummy. I won (of course) but the real crown jewel of this part of our evening was the noise I make when Kevin picks up a card from the discard pile. If he picks a card up, I always say the number and suit of the card he picks up and make the sound of a vault lock "swishing" into place, signifying that I've locked into my mind what he picked up so I won't be feeding him anymore cards that relate to that one. Phonetically it sounds something like "wechechecheche".
After this part of the date, we went and played Just Dance, which Kevin has been resistant to trying. But he ended up getting really into it, even dancing better than me during a song called Cosmic Girl, which is why my blog is titled as such. He is indeed, such a Cosmic Girl ha!
After Just Dance, I promised him I'd play some Super Mario Brothers on the wii. This consisted of me dying again and again while he jumped around kicking butt. I am just not that good at Mario! But it was tons of fun and provided lots of laughs.
Kevin's Review:
I must say that this night was much more fun than I expected it to be. Usually when you think of a "night in", its popcorn and your wife picking some lame chick flick... Fortunately for me, it wasn't even close. Overall it was a great night, I wouldn't change a thing. I am, however, hesitant about having to be responsible for planning next week...Angela has set the bar pretty high with this one.
Tune in next week for another rollicking date night synopsis!
~ Angela, The Jane of All Trades and Master of Date Nights :)
I'm with Kevin, a horse pooping has to be the in the top five hilarious things of all time.
ReplyDeleteGlad you had fun - looks like a perfect date night to me!